Here you will find a description of the different departments of the SUB board. You will get to know the board members as well as getting information about their responsibilities.
Member in charge: Tim Röthlisberger
Board member since December 2021
Study programme: Social sciences and sustainable development
Department of higher education policies on the national level
In the department of national higher education policies, I deal with higher education policy developments at national level and represent the interests of students. I am responsible for maintaining and developing contacts with relevant institutions, organisations and individuals at national level. In particular, I am involved in the national umbrella organisation - the Swiss Student Union (Verband der Schweizer Studierendenschaften VSS) - and coordinate SUB activities within the VSS. As head of department, I lead the SUB delegation at the VSS delegates' meeting and represent the SUB in the small parliamentary chamber of the VSS, the Section Council.
Department of higher education policies on the cantonal level
The responsible board member maintains contact with the Directorate of Education (Erziehungsdirektion), the government of the canton (Regierungsrat) and the cantonal parliament (Grosser Rat). I write statements on what is happening at the cantonal level and lobbies for the students' concerns. This also includes monitoring the education policy business of the cantonal parliament, i.e. observing and analysing the education and financial policy processes within the Canton of Bern. Other tasks include representing the concerns and problems of students in the political process and vis-à-vis the public, as well as participating in referendum campaigns and demonstrations to represent student interests.
Department of higher education policies on the university level
It is this department's task tp observe and analyse higher education policy developments at university level. The main aim is to place the positions of the SUB in the current higher education policy debate and to take position. The tasks include, for example, informing and promoting the discussion of educational and financial policy issues in the board of the student body and in the student council
The department of higher education policies deals in particular with the following list of topics in particular: Legal and regulatory framework of higher education (UniG, UniV, performance mandate, university statutes, faculty and study regulations), Bologna Declaration (implementation at the University of Bern, situation of students), university funding (tuition fees, third-party funding, etc.), selection mechanisms (numerus clausus, aptitude tests, promotion of excellence vs. young talent, equal opportunities), study programmes (part-time, de-schooling, etc.), teaching at the University of Bern, sustainable development, etc.
Furthermore, the board member of the department of higher education policies is responsible for maintaining and expanding contact with relevant institutions, organisations and persons. At the university level, these are primarily the university management, the general secretariat, the vice-rectorate for teaching and other organisational units of the university.
Are you interested in, bored by or appalled by developments in higher education policy? Do you have an enriching idea? You've come to the right place! I am advocating for a great university and student life!
If you can't find what you're looking for on our website or if you have any questions about my departments, please get in touch with me.
Member in charge: Yannick Käser
Board member since May 2022
Studienrichtung: History and Sustainable Development
Since May 2022, I have been responsible for the department of faculty student associations, faculties, and student groups.
Departments of faculty student associations, faculties and student groups:
As an active student of a faculty student association, you have the opportunity to shape your study programme and your everyday study life. The work in the SUB groups offers a wide range of opportunities to become active, to get involved politically or to realise projects in the cultural field. If you would like to register a SUB group or have any other questions or concerns regarding faculty student associations and student groups, please get in touch with me.
Member in charge: Sandro Arnet
Board member since May 2023
Study programme: Social sciences and History
Department of communication
As the head of the department of communication, I am responsible for the SUB medium. This includes maintaining contact with cooperation partners and the SUB section in the Bernese student newspaper "Bärner Studizytig". I am also in charge for the online presence and visibility of the SUB.
Member in charge: Naima Hillman
Board member since September 2023
Study programme: Political Science
It is important to me that people can study at the University of Bern regardless of their social situation and background. That's why I stand up for fair scholarships, the compatibility of work and study, and affordable housing for students.Are you in a financial emergency or do you have a concern regarding the social situation of students? I will be happy to advise you and together we try to find a solution for you. Contact me and I will do my best for you!
Department of social affairs
The SUB is committed to improving the social situation of all students. In the social affairs department, I deal with questions concerning studies and the lives of students, especially in the areas of student finance, work alongside studies and student housing. I work together with various committees. I am in charge of the SUB's social fund (Sozialfonds), which offers support to students in acute financial emergencies.
Department of Legal Services
The department of legal services deals with all legal issues arising in the SUB. This includes the SUB regulations and contracts. I am responsible for questions concerning the student council and its elections. Furthermore, I am in charge for the legal advice service (Rechtsberatungsdienst RBD), which you can contact at any time with legal questions.
Department of Human Resources
The department of human resources is responsible for the employees of SUB. It is mostly concerning internal processes and they are the contact person for all employees of SUB.
Member in charge: Lena Vögeli
In office since: March 2024
Study programme: Philosophy and Social Science
Department of Services
The department of services is responsible for all services of SUB such as the student job platform, the platform for housing for students and for the tutoring platform. It is also responsible for all questions concerning the SUB house.
Department of Culture
The department of culture is responsible for planning cultural events for students. Also, I am organising the annual CAMPUS Festival. In addition, the project Open Lecture (Offener Hörsaal) is part of the department of culture. Would you like to help with the realisation of festivals or events? Together with the SUB Culture Commission, I take care of the organisation of various events. Join us! Do you have a cool idea that you would like to implement? Get in touch with me! Are you looking for financial support for your cultural project? Then maybe the support fund (Unterstützungsfonds) can help you.
Member in charge: Ainhoa Martinelli
Board member since May 2024
Study programme: Social anthropology and geography
Have you experienced unequal treatment or discrimination at the university? Do you want to get involved and work towards equality and equal opportunities at the university? Do you have enriching ideas?
Get in touch with me! I will stand up for you!
Department of equality
The SUB is committed to equality for all students. We strive to ensure that all people can study free from sexism, racism, rejectionism, classism, homophobia, transphobia and age discrimination. An academic career is less lucrative for women than for men. Still, plans for the advancement of women are only half-heartedly implemented and the figures show that women increasingly turn their backs on the university every time they pass a step. The integration of gender studies in the university's curricula has not been working and too little attention is paid to the multiple burdens of students who are parents. That is why we work with various university bodies and committees, such as the Gender Equality Commission and the Office for Gender Equality. We are also active in the CodEg, the commission for equality of the Swiss Student Union (Verband der Schweizerischen Studierendenschaften VSS), and a member of the Association of Feminist Sciences (Verein Feministischer Wissenschaften FemWiss). In addition, our department of equality offers mentoring for female students (womentoring). Womentoring is co-financed by the federal programme to support equal opportunities for men and women at the universities. Our department also organises various events on gender equality topics, oftentimes in cooperation with SUB Culture.
Department of sustainability
department of sustainability was newly created in March 2019 in order to establish sustainability as a permanent working area of the SUB. The
focus lays on sustainability at the University of Bern (e.g. cafeteria
menu and assortment, business trips, sustainability in teaching and
research etc.) and at the SUB. The aim now is to further elaborate and
refine our positions, quickly push forward changes at the university,
and to promote student initiatives. What else, the SUB has a
sustainability commission. If you are interested, please contact me.