Take part


Do you want to take part in the SUB? Then you've come to the right place!

The Student Union of the University of Bern (SUB) has been in existence for almost 100 years thanks to the commitment of the students. The SUB lives from your participation. Your voices, ideas and opinions are valuable because you have unique skills and perspectives that make up the diverse fabric of the SUB.

The SUB offers numerous opportunities for you to actively participate in projects that reflect your interests. Whether you are interested in culture, sport, social engagement or political issues. By getting involved, you can learn new skills, expand your network and develop your passions.

Faculty student councils

All SUB members studying the same subject together form a student council. They are the right place to get help with your subject and actively improve your everyday university life. They unite the students of a subject and represent their concerns in the institutes, departments and faculties.

Tag des Studienbeginns 2024
Tag des Studienbeginns 2024


The committees discuss important topics and make decisions that affect students, such as the direction of teaching and research, appointments, use of infrastructure and forward-looking processes in equality, digitalisation and sustainability. Student delegates can play an active role and have their own voice to represent the interests of students.

There are three different types of committees at the University of Bern:

Student groups

The student groups of the SUB make your everyday university life more colourful. They are allowed to organise events in the SUB-Hüsli and receive up to 1,000 free copies per semester. Your rights are set out in the group regulations.

There are a large number of different student groups on various topics:

Which student group at the university suits you best? Find out here! (german only)

Tag des Studienbeginns 2024
Tag des Studienbeginns 2024

Political groups of the student council

The 40 seats on the SC are filled by students organised into parliamentary groups. The Student Council is elected every two years by the students of the University of Bern. The following groups are represented on the Student Council and you can become a member:

Elections 2025

Every two years, SUB members elect the 40-member Student Council, the parliament of the SUB. This meets several times a semester, decides on measures to protect the interests of the students and elects the 7-member Executive Board, which forms the executive of the SUB.

Have a say in who is allowed to bumble around in parliament!
Have a say in who is allowed to bumble around in parliament!
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